Install Protocol Buffer Compiler — Linux
This is a quick article to explain the steps about installing the google protocol buffer compiler.
here is the main link you have to follow
Grap your version . In my case I have Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

I am gonna take the “protobuf-all-3.13.0.tar.gz”
Step 01
Then, Download and extract the file.
Step 02
Go inside the folder and

Step 03
Do the make command. This might take some time to complete.

Step 04
Do the make check command to makefile.
make check

at the end of this test, a report will be given. like this

Step 05
Now, let’s install the file.
sudo make install

Step 06
Let’s refresh the shared library
cache once done.
sudo ldconfig
Step 07
Done !!!
Just test it out with the version command
protoc --version